Monday, January 26, 2009

Jan. 26 food

Brekky:  morning smoothie.  I was not hungry but thought it would give me more energy than if I didn't eat.  I think I should have waited because I was feeling pretty bloated in exercise class and yoga.  I definitely need to eat Sunday dinner earlier because I tend to eat more on Sunday.

Lunch:  Leftover soup from yesterday over an entire bunch of steamed kale.  The soup was better than yesterday. I think the spices got a chance to meld into the soup more overnight.  I like it.  Unfortunately, housemate doesn't like the aftertaste.  I'm thinking it's the fennel seeds.  I like them.  also had a raw carrot, 2 clementines.

Dinner:  oatmeal.  People keep wondering why I don't eat more grains so I decided to eat some oatmeal tonight.  What is so great about grains anyway?    They are cheap, yes, I agree.  When food gets unaffordable for me, I'll start eating more.  But for now, I can still afford the expensive produce from all over the world--I figure I may as well enjoy that before the party ends.   Grains have no flavor on their own so you have to add stuff to flavor them.  I'd just as soon eat the stuff you flavor them with.   My oatmeal was good because I added an apple, a banana, some walnuts, and spinach (got the spinach idea from Howard's blog--it's good).  It's filling but so is fruit and nuts and beans.  Beans are good for you and very filling.  I think I'll continue with my produce binge and save the grains for the future world economic collapse, or I lose my job.  I also had a few carrots (I'm addicted to Wisconsin carrots), and celery and 2 small valencia oranges (much better than the clementines).    I was thinking I eat like a rabbit with my love of carrots and then I wondered what the rabbits eat in the winter.  I googled it and the answer is moss, twigs, bark, and leaves.  So maybe I don't eat like a rabbit.  


Howard Veit said...

I struggle with grains too. I love oatmeal, pasta, rice and bread. A few times per week I indulge in those although while I am eating I think the meal is less than optimally nutritious. I usually eat those things at dinner after I have done better for breadfast and lunch. One justification is for the calories since I am riding more these days. Maybe that's a rationalization. I agree with you that fruits and veggies have great tastes once we acclimate. Haven't weaned off grains though.

kneecap said...

Hi Howard,

I wasn't intending to criticize people who do eat grains, just rethinking outloud why it's even necessary. It's necessary when food is in short supply, and for me right now, I can still afford it--I'll give up cable TV before I give up strawberries but that's just my preference. People have grown to love grains, but I think that's mainly because of what you add to them. They are pretty boring on their own. Over time, I've lost desire for them and was just justifying why. It's funny because I used to love bread.

Howard Veit said...

I certainly have noticed that my craving for grain foods has decreased. But, to me, life without at least some rice, bread and pasta would be darkness and chaos.

The fact that I still indulge some in these foods makes restaurants a little more tolerable.

kneecap said...

haha. Well, maybe I'll indulge when I'm in a restaurant. It will be fun.