Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jan 21 food

Brekkie:  small morning smoothie

Lunch:  baked sweet potato and cabbage salad.   This sweet potato was particularly good.  I just peel off the skin and mash it with a fork, no need for anything else.  Now I'm looking forward to my next one.  I ate a lot of the cabbage salad, probably too much, though I have to say I'm glad now because I'm still on campus at 6 pm, and will get home late.

Dinner (planned):  salad with banana walnut dressing.  I have ripe bananas and I've been eye-ing this recipe from the Fuhrman site for a while.  It has bananas, walnuts, raisins, and riesling raisin vinegar.  Sounds really weird but got good reviews.   But if I get home really late, maybe I'll just have cabbage salad and save this until tomorrow.  Edited later:  okay I did get home pretty late, but still made the banana walnut dressing.  It was a bit too sweet, would probably try it without raisins next time.  But it was still enjoyable, like having dessert on my salad.  Finished off with 2 small oranges.  This batch of oranges is not nearly as good as usual.   oh well, it will go fast and then I can hope for better.   The bananas are now a little past ripe so I froze the rest for smoothies (peel, break into pieces, put in individual plastic bags).


Anonymous said...

Dear Barb: I'm amazed at how you can survive on so few calories! No grains, no sweets, no fats, really (apart from seeds and nuts). I'd be fit to be tied if I ate as little as you! As for rice milk, OK, I'll buy it next time at the grocery instead of non-fat milk. It sounds like it would go better on the organic corn flakes than soymilk (which I cannot imagine on cold cereal).

kneecap said...

Hi Mary, it's not that few calories. I calculated my calories a couple of days last summer and I was eating at least 2000 calories and it was 40% fat! Nuts and seeds have a lot of calories and fat. Grains don't have much in the way of calories, fat, or nutrition :). I eat nuts and seeds at every meal. Otherwise I would be hungry. Dr. Fuhrman had a teleconference last night and was reporting on new medical studies and said the latest news is even better about nuts and seeds. Now I've already forgotten what he said, I'll listen when he uploads the transcript.

kneecap said...

I haven't been eating enough beans lately so that may also be why it appears I've not been eating enough. That will be remedied today. But I haven't gone hungry by any means.