Sunday, February 15, 2009

my diet plan

Yesterday, I had 9 hours to think on the plane ride home, and so I spent a few minutes thinking about my diet plan (not 9 hours, don't worry), and I decided there are things I want to avoid pretty much entirely.  Some would call this extreme.  But in some ways, it's easier to be extreme because it involves less thinking.  These things are drugs and foods that cause heart disease and so many other diseases.  Drugs are toxic and addictive and make you feel crappy after they wear off.   Here are things that I categorize as drugs:
white flour?

sugar and flour?   I'm going to ask Dr. Fuhrman if sucrose is found naturally in foods.  Sugar is highly processed.  Since I hardly ever eat it anymore, when I do, it makes a huge impact.  Yesterday I had 4 small pieces of chocolate and the effect was very strong, of both the sugar and caffeine.  I noticed this with the white bread I ate last week too.  I don't get this effect from fruit.  And then coming down off it feels yucky.   all of these things make me feel crappy the next day when I've come down off them.  Alcohol and caffeine last longer in my system than sugar, at least as far as I can tell.  

Then the things that contribute to heart disease are
animal fat but I don't eat animals

So the things I would like to avoid completely then are
caffeine, sugar, white flour, alcohol, salt, and oil, and animal products but I don't have to remember the last one because that's so ingrained now.

Then I also need to limit nuts and beans.  Too many of either make me too full and bloated and gassy.  I think I will eat more grains than I have been--oats and brown rice to make sure I am satisfied.  I think I don't like the effects of wheat flour, even whole wheat, but my co-op has this Essene bread that is sprouted wheat, and I will experiment with that.

That leaves a lot of great stuff which I stuff my face with every day.  So really it's easy to avoid these other things and not feel deprived, especially since I feel crappy after I eat them.  Oh, I didn't have much jetlag on my trip.  That is the first time.   In the past I used caffeine and alcohol to help.  I think maybe it just made things worse.  This time I was able to take cat-naps when I was tired and that got me through the day.  I was also more relaxed and on an even keel until I had those 4 pieces of chocolate.


Howard Veit said...

You and I are certainly on the same wavelength. This is exactly where I am also. The only thing I am uncertain of is nuts/seeds. I am tired of the debates over whether these are good for you, how much we should eat, etc. The experts simply don't know, so we should do whatever feels right. I love my trailmix and some days eat more than 2 oz. Doesn't seem to have caused weight gain or anything negative that I can perceive. And, I agree with you about whole grains and oats...why not and they taste good. I love the oatmeal with spinach.

BTW, the nutrition program I am using is CRON-O-METER.. You can download the latest version (free). And, it works with MAC.

It is somewhat time consuming, and I don't intend to do this permanently, but it does serve as a reality check. I am in the process of inputting my personal recipes, which you can do from the Food tab on the menu bar. It is easy to use. The database isn't that comprehensive and I had to look up the nutritional content of "veggie sushi", for example and input it to Cron-o-meter. I did this mainly to track my fat intake, because I am still irrationally paranoid about it.

How was your Portugal trip?

kneecap said...

Hi Howard,

I'm glad you are eating more than 2 oz of nuts when you feel like it. With all the exercise you do, I think you need it. I think 2 oz is about right for me but I weigh a lot less than you.

My trip was good. There was work involved but once that was over with, I enjoyed hanging out with my host and his two housemates. Weather was good but a little cool. Traveling was okay, could have been worse.