Thursday, May 7, 2009

sweet potato & chickpea hummus

I really have a thing for baked sweet potatoes even though Mr. curious has informed me of the health hazards of acrylamides. Sweet potatoes and peanut butter are my acrylamide weaknesses. Anyway, this was good!

1 baked sweet potato (350 F for one hour, let cool) (or steam it and no worries about acrylamides)
1 cup chickpeas soaked overnight, then cooked in water for about 4 hours. or 1 can.
1 clove garlic (or a bunch of ramps like I had today)
1 tsp ground cumin
juice of 1 lemon
3 Tbsp sesame seeds (or tahini)

Today I used ramps instead of garlic. I like to cook them (either one) slightly. I added the onion part of the ramps (or garlic) to the hot beans. or you can heat them in water for a few minutes. I chopped the ramp greens and heated them in water for a few minutes---otherwise they have a very strong peppery garlicy flavor (which is good but strong).
Okay, put the garlic, sesame seeds, lemon, and some bean water and chickpeas in your powerful blender. Put in enough stuff so that it can blend nicely. Let it blend up for a while so the seeds get nicely ground up. It thickens up when this happens. Then throw everything else but the ramp greens in and blend. Add bean liquid to reach your desired consistency. Then throw in the ramp greens and blend just enough to chop them a bit (I chop before adding too).

We only have ramps a few weeks a year, so I will use garlic the rest of the time. but you could throw in chives or cilantro or basil at the end. or parsley.


xShelbyx said...

can u elaborate more on the acrylamide issue? Never heard of it

kneecap said...

I don't worry about this so much anymore. it's mainly an issue for things that are deep-fried in oil. it's a reaction that occurs and it is cancer-causing.