Tuesday, August 4, 2009

aug. 4

brekky: 1/2 musk melon, 2 carrots, a grapefruit, 2 Tbsp sunflower seeds

Lunch: corn on the cob + avocado butter, and a dish of veggies+greens+beans. This would have been really good but I burnt the lentils. I didn't follow the instructions for my pressure cooker--didn't add enough water to the lentils. I didn't realize they were burnt at the bottom until I had mixed everything in and cooked some more and was dishing it out. oops! So the sweet flavor of the beets and carrots got lost in the slightly burnt flavor. It would have been a great meal, and instead it was just okay. It was all local food except the lentils: eggplant, zucchini, kale from the garden, beets, carrots, onions, lentils, and basil, chives and dill from the garden. Here's the garden haul before cooking:

Our first tomato! We sliced it and ate it as is. That's the herbs on the left and kale in the middle. The lentil veggie mixture wasn't too bad so I went ahead and ate it for lunch and dinner. I'll probably have the rest at lunch tomorrow.

Dinner: 1/2 musk melon, 1/2 small orange, 3 carrots, some salad greens, and leftover veggie-lentils. oh, and I figured I needed more seeds so I had 2 Tbsp hemp seeds.


Rosemary said...

Wow, that homegrown stuff looks so amazingly yummy! I don't know why but it is always better when you grow it yourself.
I looked at your before and after pics and I just would like to say,
"WoooHooo, way to go girl"!

kneecap said...

HI Rosemary,

Do you have a garden? I love it! Thanks for your support. I enjoyed the posts on your blog today too.


Tough Chick said...

I love your garden stuff! I HAVE to learn to garden...next summer :)

kneecap said...

I'm lucky that my partner loves to garden. I just reap the rewards!