Thursday, August 27, 2009

good beans

These are beans a visitor would love, at least the one who at my house today. that's because they have carrot juice in them.

1-3 cups dried beans, soak over night.
1-2 onions
1-5 cups veggie juice, I used carrot, beets, and celery, but carrot is sufficient
water as needed
fresh or dried herbs (optional), e.g., cilantro, parsley, chives
juice of (small or 1/2 large) lemon or lime (0ptional)

Cook the beans, onions, and juice for a few hours. Add some dried herbs if you want. When the beans are done, if you have some fresh herbs, add them and some lemon/lime juice or flavored vinegar at the end, if you want. It's pretty easy except for the prep involved in juicing. actually the juicing is easy too, but cleaning my juicer is a bit of a pain but I'm having fun with it right now. My favorite variation of this is red kidney beans, carrot juice and onion. It's a great combination.


M.M. Paris said...

These beans are beyond good--they are superb! I'm an ETLer and beans are my perpetual problem. They are where I miss salt the most. I can't wait to have more tomorrow! I used 3 cups pinto beans, carrot and beet juice, 2 onions, fresh basil and cilantro and the juice of a lemon. Thank you so much for posting this on the ETL board (I would leave a message there, too, but I cannot remember what thread it's under).

kneecap said...

Hi, thanks so much for posting. my guest really went ga-ga too. and he eats a lot of salt. So this must be a good salt-buster recipe.


Shez said...

Barb, I am in HEAVEN. These beans are outstanding.

I made collards with your sweet potato dressing last night. Also very yummy.

I don't like kale and collards very much but need to eat more of them. during summer I get them in smoothies but right now I need hot food. What 6 recipes do you recommend? I'll just rotate through those recipes.

kneecap said...

Shez, that's funny because I was inspired by your simple red lentil beans recipe from the Fuhrman website. I usually just make this with beans, carrot juice and onion.

Are you asking for 6 recipes for collards? My latest favorite sauce is beet sauce:
you don't have to have beans with that. I just love the beet sauce!

here's a variation on your lentil dish:

another variation:

I tend to like combining beans, greens, veggies, and nuts and seeds into one dish to get all the stuff Fuhrman recommends.

This week I'll try an experiment with juiced collard greens and carrots as broth for the beans:

I also like this:

My usual recipes these days can be found in the "beans" and "greens" label, though I probably haven't labeled all the recipes as well as I should:

Let me know if you come up with great ways to eat these things!


Shez said...

Thanks for the links. tonight I made kale with a cauliflower dressing and beans. I loved it. I really like your idea of steaming a veg, mixing it with seeds and turning it into a dressing.

I'll try the beet tomorrow night.

I also made Bestrixed's kale chips today. I used red kale. OMG, they are awesome. My SAD husband devoured them.