Saturday, June 13, 2009

june 13

Today I kind of pigged out, oops.  and the reason is because I let myself snack.  at least it was healthy.

Last night when I got home I was a bit hungry.  I ate as described in my June 11 post.  I got home about 8 pm and saw some lettuce, kale, and arugula in the garden that needed harvesting!  Excitement.  So I made this smoothie, using mixed berries.  It is now my current favorite smoothie.   I liked it so much I had it again for brekky this morning, using blueberries (I had no other food in the house).   Then I went off to do manual labor at my church.  That made me hungry, so I came home for a very quick lunch before heading off to a memorial service.  Well, I still had nothing in the house except frozen berries and spinach so I had another smoothie!  this time with raspberries.  I also had some frozen peas and an orange.  It was a good lunch.  At the memorial service, they served tons of food, which I wasn't expecting.  I had some fruit salad and bean salad.  The bean salad was super oily and salty.  I just had a small amount but I can feel the salt--my fingers are swollen.  I'm so sensitive to it now.   Then I went grocery shopping, loading up on all kinds of fabulous local veggies!   When I got home and was putting away the groceries, I snacked a bit.  When I snack a bit, it leads to lots of snacking.  So I ate a box of blackberries, some grapes, a fresh fig, a carrot, and some pistachio nuts.  Well, I wasn't that hungry when dinner came around but that didn't stop me from snacking while preparing, and then eating a fair amount.  I snacked on edamame, an orange, some grapes, and too many pistachio nuts while preparing cabbage-apple dish.  I was full after all that. 

One thing I noticed today was that there was so much food available everywhere I went.  It really does seem to be the case that every social event in America needs to have lots of unhealthy food at it.  No wonder most people are overweight.  We had a huge box of donuts at the beginning of our work day, along with coffee and cream, after most people probably just had breakfast.  Someone brought lunch for us at 11:30 am.  Then there was tons of food at the memorial service, most of it baked goods and sweets and candy and pasta.  Now that I think about it, every social event I go to has food in it. Tomorrow I have church, where there's always food,  followed by a potluck with some friends.   Next Wednesday I'm going to a dessert potluck.   I requested that fruit salad be on the menu (I'm a guest so they don't want me to bring food).  I'm planning to go to the movies next week; where everyone will be eating popcorn and candy and coke.   It's kind of interesting.   I wonder if sociable people are more overweight!  How can they help it?   Then there's the bar scene.  I have drifted away from some friends because I lost interest in drinking--that wasn't my intention, but I just don't have much interest to go to bars now.  I'm somewhat immune from the SAD (standard American diet) now.  But all that food does probably trigger my own food cravings.

I'll try not to snack tomorrow...Part of it was the excitement of getting my favorite foods from my favorite grocery store after a week on the road.  And I probably allow myself to do this because I wonder if perhaps I'm a bit underweight.  But even if you want to gain weight, I think 3 meals a day should be enough.  I feel better when I rest my digestion in between meals.  And of course, that is what Dr. Fuhrman recommends.   

okay, time to watch a movie at home with no food because we already ate and aren't the least bit hungry!

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