Sunday, December 6, 2009

dec. 6 food

brekky: huge grapefruit, small pomegranate

lunch: lima beans over steamed broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower with ground nuts mixed in with the steamed water. I ate this at an event where lots of middle eastern food was served. I'm sure that tasted great but it was really oily and salty. I cleaned up the pans and they were really oily. A friend tried out my food and liked it. I was surprised because I thought after eating all that salt my food would taste bland to him.

Dinner: savoy cabbage, yellow bell pepper and sweet pea dressing. The dressing had pomegranate juice and pineapple in it. It was really good. But I ate it at a dinner event our co-op put on appreciating local farmers and "owners" who bought lots of local produce. I thought it was humorous that I'm one of their big purchasers. Anyway, they served some vegan food and it looked pretty good and, for the first time in a long time, I cared that people probably think I'm weird. In particular one person at my table also was at the lunch event by coincidence so saw me bring both meals of my own. I wondered if she thinks I have an eating disorder. Usually I don't care what people think. I also had a bunch of raw carrots while preparing this and beans for next week. And a friend brought over dried mangos and I had one, which was yummy.

Total calories: 1763. Wow, protein was 72 g (13%); carbs 332 (68%); fat 37 g (19%). I have a muscle building workout tomorrow morning so hopefully that protein will still be around.

Now I'm curious where the protein came from: grapefruit and promegranate were 3 g each, brussels sprouts 6 g, cauliflower 2 g, broccoli 4 g, carrots 2 g, cabbage 4 g (so that's 18 g from the veggies alone), seeds 11 g, beans 18 g, peas 6 g. The other stuff was less than 1 g, so probably adds up to a few.

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