Tuesday, November 11, 2008

mon & tues nov. 10&11 food


Breakfast:   warm apple-banana-walnut breakfast.

Lunch:  0.6 oz brazil nuts, mango-banana-spinach smoothie, 1/2 cup edamame warmed up in the microwave (from a frozen bag).  (I thought I needed some beans).

Dinner:  my favorite sweet potato with pumpkin pie spice, brussels sprouts (cooked with a little fennel and lemon juice), cabbage salad, large orange, 1/2 oz pistachio nuts.  

Breakfast:  grapes, 1/2 oz brazil nuts, bowl of greens (not much, maybe 1 oz), made the warm apple-banana-walnut breakfast again.  yum.

Lunch:  vegetable medley (just a bunch of steamed veggies:  beets, cauliflower, carrot, edamame, potato with no-salt seasoning on top, the cauliflower was really good, I think I like cauliflower a lot more than I thought), finished off the cabbage salad, grapes

Dinner:  spinach-mango-banana smoothie (more fresh local spinach at the co-op!), 1 oz nuts (pistachio, brazil, macadamia), grapes, large orange.  

all of it so yummy.  I decided to measure my nuts to make sure I'm eating enough but not too much.  it's much easier and makes it guilt free.  Since I'm thin and exercise a lot, I'm going for 2-3 oz a day.  You should have less if you are trying to lose weight.  They are a lovely treat that I get to eat several times a day!

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