Sunday, July 22, 2012

Weekend Cooking

Today I was in the mood for tofu jambalaya.  This is a recipe from Susan Voison's blog.  However, I modified it quite a lot.  I used twice as much rice, and it was a mixture of forbidden (black) and brown rice.  Since that takes longer to cook than white rice, I started the rice up with veggie broth, while cooking up the other veggies in a fry pan.  I added a small eggplant because I had it (without the peel).  I used fresh tomatoes from the garden and farmer's market along with 1 can.   I added some tomato paste at the end for more flavor.  It turned out excellent.  I so love this dish.  After eating a lot of it, I fit the rest in 2 4-cup bowls:
I decided to freeze one.  I hope that works okay after thawing.

I also had a fun idea, inspired by my purchases at the farmer's market (potatoes, kohlrabi) and my overflowing greens in the garden (kale, collards).  I thought:  oooh, hash browns and greens for breakfast!  --or a quick meal.  So to save time later, I prepped and froze the potatoes and greens.

Here's a whole bunch of kale and collards.  I figured, I should start freezing this anyway to have during the winter:

Here they are packed into 3 1-gallon bags  (one is only half-full):

I used the food processor to make "slaw" out of the potatoes:

Then packed them into bags for the freezer:

Then I thought, what about hash brown kohlrabi?    I got this giant kohlrabi (some new version that isn't woody when it grows large):

I prepped that like the potatoes.  

With all the cooking I did today, I also had lots of scraps. I made some veggie broth from some (for the tofu jambalaya), I froze some of them for future veggie broth, and the rest went out to compost.  Here's some of the frozen ones:

I spent about 2 hours on the food prep, and another hour on cleanup:

But it was fun.  I enjoyed it.  My meals should be fun and easy this week.  I'll try to post about it.


Healthy Eating said...

Healthy Living will lead us to the point where we can enjoy life to the fullest until we grow old and will never experience anything that might harm us or give us pain.

Holly said...

Barb, I have made hash browns with kohlrabi in the past - I call them Hash Goldens and it is an excellent use of kohlrabi. Hope all of your experiments have worked out well!