Sunday, February 12, 2012

Black bean eggplant GOMBS soup

This week's GOMB soup was inspired by a recent short clip from Dr. Gregor on the vegetables with the most antioxidant benefit.   Eggplant was very high on the list so that was my featured veggie in addition to GOMBs, oh and tomatoes.  I also used a recipe from the Fuhrman forums as inspiration (here, if you are a member).   I thought this turned out really nicely.   I snapped some pictures but must have forgot to save them so I don't have them.  It made 14 servings!  I might have 2 servings a day because they are fairly low-calorie and it might satisfy me more to have a bowl at lunch and dinner.  Anyway, getting to the recipe:

1 lb black beans (or any other kind)
1 eggplant
1-2 bunches collards or kale
2 onions
1/2-1 lb mushrooms, any kind, I did a variety
2 16-oz cans tomatoes
1 Tbsp oregano 
2-3 tsp cumin
lots of garlic (I got rid of a bunch, must have been about 6 cloves)
2 Tbsp date syrup

I cooked the beans for 2 hours; chopped the collards, eggplant, onions and garlic in the food processor, added to the beans and cooked for another 1-2 hours.   I added the mushrooms too after chopping the other foods, added the tomatoes in the last half hour; added the date syrup at the end.  


Ginger said...

sounds good, but why the date syrup in a savory dish

kneecap said...

I know, it sounds odd, but without the salt, the tomatoes taste kind of metallic to me. The pot of soup is very large and the date syrup doesn't make it taste noticeably sweet, but it seems to take the edge off that metallic taste for me. It could just be my taste buds.


Linda said...

Hi -
I'm just getting started on my nutritarian life style change. This looks like a soup that even my husband (who thinks I'm nuts) might enjoy with me. Thanks for posting it. I find your blog to be very informative and user-friendly.

kneecap said...

Congrats Linda on your journey to health. I really like this soup. I seem to like garlic more than I used to. Thanks for your comment!

Anonymous said...

Hey Barb,
Do you peel the eggplant?
Sounds so yummy!

kneecap said...

I don't peel the eggplant. it's easier and maybe it's got a bunch of nutrients. I don't notice that it changes the taste.