Monday, January 18, 2010

News to report, and more travel logs

It's been an eventful 7 days in Berkeley, CA, with 3 more to go. First of all, last week I found out I passed my final exam, and I am now a certified Nutritional Education Trainer! (They changed the name, used to be Nutritional Excellence Trainer).

The other news is that I started up a Madison Area Nutritarian meetup group. Our first meeting will be Feb. 13, assuming I can find people to sign up. We'll have a potluck.

oops, I have no more time to post. I'll post the travel logs later. I have to report that this Nutritional Education Trainer did indulge in some raw vegan desserts. She did resist the vegan donuts though. And the raw vegan chocolate, which she was tempted by only out of curiosity (what does it taste like?). gotta run...


Eugene said...

congratulations! I am very happy for your achievement in becoming certified. Great Job!

resolution1 said...

Congratulations on passing your exam, Barb! I knew you did it, even when you didn't! Wow, a nutritarian potluck. Sounds like fun. Hope you're enjoying Berkeley, and have a safe trip home.

kneecap said...

thanks Mr. Curious! Thanks resolution--are you referring to my posts on the forums where i was sure I didn't pass? I WAS SO SURE. Now no one will believe me in the future.

MrDaveyGie said...

bravo and kudos to you. Your a living example of the healthy lifestyle you speak. :-)

Claire said...

Congratulations! I would join your group if I lived near you. Hope you get the opportunity to inspire some people in person as much as you've inspired me online. :)

kneecap said...

Thanks everyone. I hope the next post doesn't disappoint you too much. veganbarbie had a little slipup. :)