Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Monkey Bar Gym 60-Day Challenge

I had to cancel my planned backpacking trip due to an injury of my travel companion.  To keep me motivated for next year, I joined a 60-day challenge at my gym.  It's fun.  And the best thing of all is that the gym owner promotes a whole-foods plant based diet.  You get points for attending classes and improving fitness, but I think you can score the most points for each day that is plant-perfect. Is that cool or what?  We also get points for logging our food.  We can do it simply by just writing down what we eat but they also suggest we could use myfitnesspal.  So I started doing that just for the challenge.  You can see my food logs there--I'm barbarawhitney182.  I don't know if I want to lose weight or not.  I'm at Dr. Fuhrman's recommended weight but I still have a tummy.  But maybe that's just life for a 55 year old who weighed 30 lbs more a year ago.   I think I won't focus on the weight, just staying on my food plan and scoring points with the exercise classes.


Patti said...

Barb, Kneecap, etc
I followed you into BLE land and am reconsidering that whole thing. I can't seem to get thru a day perfectly there. $79 a month seems crazy to me. I did lose 12 pounds I would've never lost any other way. I'm at 126 for a nearly 62 yo 5'6" or so person.
I'm not liking their whole expansion/ new website, commercialization at BLE. Susan is amazing and their program is fantastic for someone who has never been exposed to healthy eating. I just wonder what percentage of folks can't get started on that thing.
But I'm an old ETLer so I have lost most taste for anything not WFPB, so I think I'll do fine without BLE. Would love to get your candid remarks on that. I come from the Madison area, have family there and visit every 6 months or so.

kneecap said...

Hi Patti,
That's really interesting to hear. Did you do the bootcamp? I found that very helpful. But the price is going way up for the next one. Fortunately previous boot campers can get vouchers to give to their friends and family with big discounts. I don't know that I would have ever signed up at the price she will be charging now, since I didn't have a discount. I'm going to stay in the program because now my backpacking trip is a whole year away and I don't think I can go it alone just yet. But your comments do make me think. I've learned this pretty well and should be able to take the concepts out into my world and make it work for me without spending the $80/mo. But I'd miss the community and we are such social beings around food. For me ETL is not enough. Also so many people on the forums are struggling, it makes me wonder how well that program works. One of the things that BLE provides me is the quantities check. So many of the WFPB gurus say to just eat until you are full and then stop. Well, for a lot of us, that doesn't work. But now that I know it, I could maybe stop paying $80/mo, ha. But not until my backpacking trip is done! Hey, you should look me up when you visit Madison! my email is

kneecap said...

Patti, I forgot to say: congratulations on your weight loss! That is a great weight. And I will be curious to see if the lifer's program is worth it. You can be a member of the online community for $10/month so that is definitely the more economical way to do it and still have community support.

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