Thursday, April 24, 2014

Kitchen Remodel!

Here are some fun pictures of our kitchen remodel:

the inside.

Of all things, a duck laid eggs 10 feet from the kitchen window.  She laid 11 eggs.  She has put up with most of the noise.  If she can just get through the window install next week, I think she'll stick around:

oh, here's a random breakfast in between the remodel pictures.  pears, blackberries, homemade soy yogurt, and ground flaxseed.

here's the basement makeshift kitchen!  the plastic on the ceiling keeps the sawdust away.  the upstairs kitchen is directly above.


spices and speakers (I plug in the iPad and watch lectures from my MOOC):

These are all the appliances I need:  electric pressure cooker and blender:

and salad spinner and bowls and yogurt maker:

work table:



I wash dishes in the laundry room:

fun huh?  yes it is!

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